Myofascial cupping Perth
At Brabham Chiropractic our experienced Perth Chiropractors consult with many patients each day. These patients are looking for dry needling to help treat many common musculoskeletal conditions. We have included information about myofascial cupping, and some of the more common conditions our experienced Perth Chiropractors will use dry needling in their treatment. If you are interested in dry needling or are experiencing any of the following conditions, it would be best to book in with the experienced Perth Chiropractor near you. Private health funds are available from all major health funds
WHAT IS Cupping?
Each year research continually emerges and suggests that cupping may be an effective treatment for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions. Cupping is a type of alternative therapy that involves placing suction cups on the skin for several minutes to assist in decreasing muscle pain and discomfort. The aim of this treatment to improve the blood flow to the targeted region, and facilitate healing. Cupping is generally used side-by-side with Chiropractic Adjustments and other treatment options supplied by our Perth Chiropractors.
How Does Cupping Work?
Cupping draws blood and increases the blood circulation to the region where the cups have been applied . This may assist in relieving muscle tension, and promote cellular repair in irritated or injured muscle tissue. Some research that looked into the mechanical effects of cupping has also suggested that may assist in the creation of new blood vessels and connective tissue in the targeted area.
It has also been suggested that cupping may have systemic health benefits. The thought behind this is that the activation of Heme oxygenase-1 caused by cupping, would account for the claimed systemic health benefits. Heme oxygenase-1 is a gene which plays a substantial role in the prevention of vascular inflammation.
Does Cupping Hurt?
As with any therapy, myofascial cupping can be uncomfortable, however each patient is likely to have a different experience. Generally speaking it would be likely to have a feeling of pressure in the area that the cup is applied. The good news is that each cupping will generally only be applied for 3-4 minutes, and may be glided along the target muscle during this time.
Whilst many patients that consult with our Perth Chiropractors do not like needles, Myofascial Cupping is a great alternative to Dry Needling. Many of patients find Myofascial Cupping to be more comfortable, and some have even reported that they felt like they received better results. However as with all therapies, individual results will vary.
For the patients that see our Perth Chiropractors for cupping, it is expected that they will develop circular bruises after treatment. Whilst these bruises can be appear quite dark, it is expected that they will clear up after around 7 days. If you have any questions or concerns about Myofascial Cupping it would be best to discuss these with your Perth Chiropractor near you.
Myofascial Cupping Perth

Lower back pain
Myofascial Cupping
If you develop lower back pain it is important to consult with your Perth Chiropractor, as not all lower back pain is the same. The cause of lower back pain you are experiencing can come from many origins. The more regular pain generating structures can include the Lumbar Facet Joints, Sacro-Iliac Joints or even the Lumbar Intervertebral Discs.
Besides these common causes of lower back pain, it also important for your lower back pain to be assessed by your Perth Chiropractor. This is so you can receive any appropriate diagnosis for your lower back pain, as well ensure that there are not any more sinister origins to your pain.

mid back pain
Myofascial Cupping
Mid back pain is one of the most frequent conditions our Perth Chiropractors see at Brabham Chiropractic. Most people at some stage in their life will experience mid back pain in one of it's many forms. A large contributing factor for this is a substantial number of Perth’s population who work in front of a computer or at a desk for an extended periods of time. .
The advancement of technology has become real issue that often affects many peoples spinal health, causing mid back pain. This can due to many people, including children spending prolonged periods in the same posture.

neck pain
Myofascial Cupping
Neck Pain is one of the most frequent conditions our Perth Chiropractors see at Harrisdale Chiropractic. Most people at some stage in their life will experience neck pain in one of it's many forms. A large contributing factor for this is a substantial number of Perth’s population who work in front of a computer or at a desk for an extended periods of time.
If you develop neck pain it is important to consult with your Perth Chiropractor, as not all neck pain is the same. The cause of neck pain you are experiencing can come from many origins. The more regular pain generating structures can include the Cervical Facet Joints, Suboccipital Muscle Group, or even the Cervical Intervertebral Discs.

Myofascial Cupping
Due to large portion of Perth's population working in high stress and / or sedentary jobs, our Perth Chiropractors consult daily with patients that are requiring treatment for their headaches. Most types of headaches can be managed conservatively with chiropractic intervention. It is important to get the appropriate diagnosis for your type of headache, so you can find the most effective treatment for your headache.
Whilst it is important to educate yourself on the best way to manage headaches, it is important that you do not have to live with frequent headaches. Please remember your Perth Chiropractors near you are here to help you.​

disc bulges
Myofascial Cupping
Perth Chiropractors are regularly presented with patients experiencing both neck pain and back pain. Whilst the majority of neck pain and back pain can be easily treated with Chiropractic intervention, some cases of neck pain and back pain may need more extensive treatment.
Often when patients have severe back pain or neck pain they are concerned they may have a bulging disc or slipped disc. Clinically the condition that these terms are referring to is Disc Herniation. As with all back pain and neck pain, Disc Herniations come in varying severities. It also important to remember that some instances of Disc Herniations can be due to the natural ageing process. ​

Hip pain
Myofascial Cupping
When you experience hip pain, it can vary in the type of pain you have. This can range from a dull ache, to sharp pain, or even clicking. Regardless of the type of hip pain you experience, it is important to consult with your Perth Chiropractor to diagnose the origin of your hip pain and decide the best course of action.
The location of your hip pain can give your Perth Chiropractor a good idea as to which underlying structures may be irritated or injured. Along with this location your Perth Chiropractor will want to know about any symptoms that accompany. This could include lower back pain, pain / numbness down one or both your legs, or other symptoms that not traditionally musculoskeletal symptoms.​

shoulder pain
Myofascial Cupping
When you experience shoulder pain, it can vary in the type of pain you have. This can range from a dull ache, to sharp pain, or even clicking. Regardless of the type of shoulder pain you experience, it is important to consult with your Perth Chiropractor to diagnose the origin of your shoulder pain and decide the best course of action.
The location of your shoulder pain can give your Perth Chiropractor a good idea as to which underlying structures may be irritated or injured. Along with this location your Perth Chiropractor will want to know about any symptoms that accompany. This could include neck pain, numbness / pain down one or both your arms, or other symptoms that not traditionally musculoskeletal symptoms.​